LIVE class 8/1/21 - Balancing Flow Level 2/3

LIVE class 8/1/21 - Balancing Flow Level 2/3

In this hour long flow class we explore different ways of bringing balance into the practice.

Whether it be through balancing the inhales and the exhales as we breathe, or balancing the right and left sides of the body, or even examining how we balance out the use of our energy through output and input - there are many different ways to play around with finding balance in our practice.

This week we explore movements that strengthen our core and the stability through the center of our bodies, as well as get deep into the hips and the legs.

Recommended props: 2 Blocks

Suggested Music Playlist:

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LIVE class 8/1/21 - Balancing Flow Level 2/3
  • LIVE class 8/1/21 - Balancing Vinyasa Flow Level 2/3

    In this hour long flow class we explore different ways of bringing balance into the practice.

    Whether it be through balancing the inhales and the exhales as we breathe, or balancing the right and left sides of the body, or even examining how we balance out the use of our energy through output a...