LIVE class 7/25/21 - Flow - Hips & Twists Level 2

LIVE class 7/25/21 - Flow - Hips & Twists Level 2

In this 60 minute flow class we work deep into the hips, as well as spinal mobility and twisting.

This flow class encourages you to move to the rhythm of the music, and to allow that to be an intuitive part of your practice.

Deep hips openers are great for tension release, while twisting helps to detoxify the body and support healthy mobility of the spine.

Suggested Music Playlist:
(I like to begin at the 49:50 mark)

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LIVE class 7/25/21 - Flow - Hips & Twists Level 2
  • LIVE class 7/25/21 - Vinyasa Flow - Hips & Twists Level 2

    In this 60 minute flow class we work deep into the hips, as well as spinal mobility and twisting.

    This flow class encourages you to move to the rhythm of the music, and to allow that to be an intuitive part of your practice.

    Deep hips openers are great for tension release, while twisting help...